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retard 05/02/2023 (Tue) 14:25:17 No. 6635
This is old, but anyone remember Kat Asta? Supposedly knocked up by her stepdad and peddled around
If you google Katherine Asta you can find some anon v and mless stuff
>>6637 yes a limited collection of stuff, was wondering if lurker anon might know/have more
Can someone post the links to mless and anon v?
From what I googled mless stuff got nuked and anon v is a 10 sec clip and a broken gif
There is some more pics and a few second videos but I don't see much else. Would like to know the story behind this more.
Not pretty hope to get Genie Morman Tanja Walter Krause
>>6635 She was knocked up by her bf Robert Stratton not hee stepdad.
Anyone have any of the vids I've only found gifs
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>>10136 If anyone can find full vids that would be amazing.
>>10047 So the entire story is a larp? Her socials are totally scrubbed
>>10314 Yeah pretty much she broke up with him and he started spreading her nudes from what I know. Still wish I could see some full vids.
