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Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 04:32:48 No. 10049
Anyone has advice on comforting their sister after she’s gotten her heart broken?
Go to hug her and when she wraps her arms around you, reach down and start playing with her ass. Then when she goes to bed, sneak into her room and take pussy pics and post them here. This will work trust me
>>10050 Not sure if you’re being serious or joking
>>10049 My friend you are asking the wrong question in the wrong place😅 if you're looking for a genuine answer to your question lmk, I'll give the best advice i can
Tell her you'll be there for her, get her drunk, try to get her horny by talking about spicy topics, give her the fuck me eyes and see where it goes from there.
>>10061 She’s 18…
>>10073 my dude incest is already a crime in all 50 states. plenty of 18 year olds love to drink anyways. i know i did as did a shit ton of my friends when we were that age and even younger
>>10074 Still, not gonna get her drunk just so I can fuck her
Just cuddle her and "accidentally" rub her tits
>>10092 🤦
okay, what is your end goal here? youre posting to an incest forum for advice but you dont want to do anything incestuous? i dont get it.
>>10102 I do, just don’t want to risk it and end up getting a rape charge
I tried this on my step niece all throughout our late teens and early 20's. Everytime she would end a relationship i was always the one whos shoulder she would cry on. Id tell her she was too good for them, a beautiful person inside and out, that any guy would be a fool to let her go. Id tell her how jealous i was that they got the opportunity to have a girl like her and how angry i was that they messed it up. I even came outright a few times and told her i dreamt about her and i living a life together and that was insanely attracted to her. None of it got me anything but a smile and a thank you. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, they just arent into it. Unfortunately.
>>10103 but an incest charge is fine? less illegal is still illegal my guy.
So, we both managed to drink a bit but nothing has happened.
>>10288 did you try making moves on her when you were both drunk? try making drinking a semi-regular thing and slooowly up the ante
>>10290 I tried but mom was around
>>10295 that's fair, there's always a time and a place. still, try to make drinking with her a semi-regular thing (maybe every other week, or once a week if she seems to enjoy spending time/drinking with you), especially wihtout anyone else around if possible. if you really love her, youll want her to be comfortable around you, definitely slowly build up showing her how much you care about her. do *not* rush this. are you two already close emotionally, how is your rapport with her? totally up to you and how much you feel comfortable revealing, but do you have any pics of her?
>>10322 I mean, we’re close but not too close. Like, we joke around and things like that but that’s about it. I think she only trusted me with one thing and that’s it.
>>10342 definitely still joke around with her too tho.
>>10344 Definitely! I’ve also had the urge to lower her pants while she’s sleeping and potentially, lift up her shirt, since she sleeps with no bra on.
>>10345 unfortunately my replies to you are now getting deleted, so continuing to advise you will be difficult. just carry on, try getting closer to her, be patient, drink with her more (albeit on occasion). good luck. in order to build trust, do your best to treat her as a human and not as someone you desire, regardless of your eventual intentions.
>>10345 Definitely go for it, and share your results here, especially if she doesn’t wear panties to bed
>>10388 Will try
>>10403 any updates?
>>10504 understandable and good, this is definitely something you should be slow and methodical about. take your time, king.
>>10505 Best believe!
>>10541 op, you may have to rewrite your comment. i saw the notif here before but i didnt get to see it
>>10543 I tried, but it keeps getting taken down, no idea why.
>>10560 wtf, that's shit. maybe use leet/1337 speak?
>>10561 No idea what that is
>>10562 17'5 WH3N Y0U R3PL4C3 C3R741N L3773R5 W17H NUM83R5, P4R71CUL4RLY 7H3 NUM83R5 7H47 V4GU3LY L00K L1K3 L3773R5 1F Y0U 5QU1N7. to be real i dont even know if it actually gets around the m0d detection, tho. i just saw some other people using it before.
>>10575 Oh, w3ll, all I was gonna say was that, this will b3 hard3r than I thought, it’s gonna be impossible, honestly
>>10295 Wait. You your sister and your mom were drinking? Did you ask them if they want to see your one eyed monster?
>>10900 Nah, I didn’t. Why?
Not going to get her drunk to fk her. Maybe she wants to get drunk to fk. moron. Most of us wouldnt be here but for alcohol. Dude comes looking for advice to seduce his sister but takes the road on drinking alcohol. Go read some anime freak.
>>11018 First of all, I didn’t offer them the drinks, my mom did. And second of all, none of us were drunk, just lightly buzzed. So, even if I did wanted to ask, it wouldn’t have worked, fucking retard
>>11024 so shes 18, how old are you?
You're asking random people on the internet for advice on how to bang your own sister but he's the retard for suggesting alcohol? That's both funny asf and also Kinda sad bud
>>11045 I don’t share my age but I’m slightly older than her
>>11058 Yeah, cause I thought a site with sexually frustrated people would be helpful, but apparently, y’all just want CP and nudes. Surprised this site didn’t suffer the same fate as COPP
M3ga C!o6ckWaqa Got heaps of stuff of my sis and mom.
>>11100 What’s the link?
It did. It changed its name just like COPP
