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Anonymous 10/06/2022 (Thu) 18:36:36 No. 15729
IL state never takes off but let's give it a shot! Bonus for 2o12 time period! So many sluts
Bump! Lots of sluts from class of ‘18
Dump your stashes. So much potential here
Anyone have Kr!sr€n Sm!th?
>>15809 Unload the stashes! 2012-2015 was loaded with talent
>>15729 100p worth dropping. The sluts from those years were fire.
She made tapes with her ex, and they posted them under his account together. His 0f@n$ was mount@inm@nxx. They split up, but he still has them.
>>15851 She who bruv lol
>>15851 Gonna post something or leave us all guessing lol
>>15729 >>15969 Agreed. So many babes from 2012-16, not sure how this isn’t the top post. Somebody get these going!! What happened to the E11i3 Schn1TT,E1L33N BAJ0 or Suzann3 M1z3R3K nudes?
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>>16101 would love to see 3ll13 if they're out there
>>15729 Shes fuckin sexy. Let’s keep these rollin!
>>16190 Is there any more of Eileen? She has to have more nudes out there
>>15729 Bro there were so many slams that went there. How can nobody have 0livia Mancin0 or Al3xis McAdam$
any Rachel M? Rhymes with Store
>>15729 any day now…..
>>15773 Heard she did spanking porn after college.
Any win? Graduated 2018
>>16101 Second the request for the Suzann3 Miz3r@k nudes.
>>17535 I remember seeing a BJ video a while back. Haven’t seen any nudes though.
>>17833 Somebody be a good sport and post it. We all want it
Uhh duh
m3l kuj@k? graduated last year
Anyone got Lisa s1mm0n$? Massive tits
I remember there were some posts on the DZs from 2018-2019 a while back. It would be nice if those made a return but i doubt anyone still has that shit
I feel the same. Was there from about 2012-15. Odds that someone still has wins from the era are slim to none
>>16758 Heard that too. Would be awesome if someone had wins on that.
>>15729 How does nobody have any winz to post from this school. It’s literally crawling with sluts. 2011-2015 was prime time
Please someone have Morgan S
>>16101 Guess we’re not going to be seeing a Christmas miracle of these getting dropped.
>>15773 Bumping Kristen
>>19813 Felt this
>>15746 any M3lanie Kuj@k?
>>21783 or T3resa Mull3n ??
>>19764 anyone specific??
>>15759 2016? Knew them both if so and def want to see
>>15729 T@ryn h3nry?
>>22936 damn any socials?
>>21795 gotta be wins
Anyone got Jen D@vis? Class of 2012? Huge tits. Heard she was a huge slut for BBC and her nudes were passed around the entire Chicago Bears roster.
>>23556 Will pay for wins of Jen
Tyrene h gotta be some
>>23540 damn, whats her IG?
Bump on tyrene h
>>22921 Do u have anything close to a win?
Dana B 18’
>>24099 I dont but someone does I'm sure lol.
>>24099 >>24543 Think I have a vid of @l actually. Trying to find it
any L@uren Trizn@?
>>17535 All I have is this slight areola slip of Sus@n. Hopefully someone else has more.
>>24924 >>15759 I swear I've seen pics of all three at the same party. Then again every other drunk girl had these shirts lmfao
>>24924 Would love for someone to repost the Sus@n M1z3r@k nudes
>>24927 Someone just needs to sack up and post them already. Same goes for the BJ video
Any KT W1llams?
>>24998 her?
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>>24999 Graduated 2021
>>25000 Bump
>>25000 Bump
>>24996 How long ago were they posted and where were they posted? Does anyone know?
To the roof
Pretty sure a year or so ago. People in this group have them, they just need to post them already. This school was stacked from 2010 to 2018
>>25750 Hope someone who saved them sees this and does the right thing by reposting it.
A couple years ago someone posted the Hannah A, Kristen P, etc from DZ 2018. Bring it back
Second. Get those Hannah A10nz0 wins out there
>>19813 If anyone does...
Have a ton from 2014-2018 but need the dz collection before i post anything
>>26317 How are we supposed to know you’re legit
>>26317 just post the fucking pics you faggot. jesus christ, dipshits like you are why threads keep dying
>>26317 Or you don't have anything
>>26286 Bump for @!!i $
>>26317 Who do you have?
Anyone got Wesleyan theater hoes? Older preffered
>>26592 Bump >>26708 And bump for interest
>>25906 This one? Don’t even know these chicks but think I can find em if this is one
>>27400 post them all
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Bump KT
Yeah thats Hannah A from DZ
Kt w1ll1ams
>>26286 Bump for @ll! Or m@c. Round the 2012 era
>>29035 M-of-fer-234 to talk if anyone knows or has lol
>>29242 Got a d!!!s c?
rebecca b? Ellie S?
>>27400 Any more?
>>29325 Post yours
who has got mira alifantis?? or at least any stories lol
We need the rest
We need the rest of hannah a
K8t w1lli@ms wins?
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4ll1s0n W4rd?
Bump for Hannah A
>>33217 Eww plz no
>>36011 💀 sounds like you got history
Anyone save the nudes that got posted to P@ig3 Br@ntl3y’s FB page last week?
>>24870 Bump for L@ur
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Any L3x1? Recent grad
>>38121 So hot. Need more from baj0 and 2012 to 2016 class. BUMP
>>38121 Yo shoutout to you. Post more if you got
Any mel@nie jun3?
Anyone got a @!!i $ or m@k€nz!€ b from 2012-2015 era? Or know either of them?
Who wants shay labu wi? Wi kr rodgedodge990
Anyone have Hai13y P3t3rs0n from 2012-2014ish? Would pay well.
>>39193 tried to message you. You got Shay?
>>40554 Message again sorry just logged in
>>16101 >>17535 >>17833 >>24924 >>24927 Following up on these. Someone post the Sus@n Miz3r@k nudes and BJ video >>25313
>>40645 For real.. someone sack up and post them
Ro dge dodg e 990 ^ 4 shay
>>38618 Mof Fer 2 34 if they ring any bells. On the green @ pp k !k
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Who’s got 3lla V4cek? Track high jumper
T@l0r 1gn0ff0
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Any more H3ath3r b?
Any class of 22 or 23?
>>38618 >>40769 Little bump
neeeed some plainfield wins. t3res@ mu113n, m3l@nie kuj@k, l@uren tr1zn@
Any pfield buds in here ??
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Anyone ??
>>48669 More 🤤🤤🤤🤤
looking for josie m, current student
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Someone has so have some wins
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>>15746 Agreed. Met her in 17 or 18 found her paid page under friskyblonde1
>>48873 no you didn't lmao you're just advertising your own OF everywhere you can
>>48917 I don't have an OF so
Bump Morgan O
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Anyone have morgan L3m0n?
>>24999 post her wins if u got any. ik her
>>48659 bump
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Anyone got older grads like 2012-2016 era?
Anyone got T@ssa G@hr from DZ?
