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El!zeb3th N3w H0l¥ 04/24/2024 (Wed) 18:59:24 No. 12346
Rapid City slut. Used to let me punish her ass, she loves anal. Loves to cheat on her man. it turns her on. Had an OF for awhile I still have the pics. Will post when I find them
>>12346 Would love to see more of that sexy big ass
God I wanna see her ass get fucked!
>>12359 This is incel rage. You jack off to fake tits and cocaine bodies so much that you can't get off to anything else. Have you has sex in 2024? Have you had sex ever? Remember, sometimes suicide IS the answer.
Not into farm animals
>>12346 🤮 whoever gets off to that has no class lol
Post away brother id eat that snatch all day
>>12394 🤮 native chicks think they got a body because theyre chubby ass cheeks flat as fuck no hips just an oestrich body
>>12518 That’s because these native dudes inflate these fat cows’ ego. Natives really have no class or culture and should’ve been exterminated years ago.
>>12562 Exterminated like how your mother should ov swallowed your bitch ass instead ov letting your deadbeat daddy creampie her right?
