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Anonymous 09/06/2022 (Tue) 23:14:16 No. 57
I find it amazing as a Jew how fucking retarded you goyim on the Republican side are. You nazi retards actually worship trump like he’s a fucking idol. Each one of you boys should kill yourselves, that way the world can get a little bit closer to peace.
>as a Jew Opinion discarded
>as a jew throw it in the oven
Myself, as a jew, I do feel pretty guilty about manipulating the whites into hating themselves. After all, it was us jews who started the slave -. It's us jews who are literally trying to genocide just about every race on the planet and we just blame it on white people. It sure is useful that we kinda look like them but I do feel pretty guilty.
As a Zionist Jew, I must agree. Trumpies deserve nothing but to suffer their painful existence.
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hehe castrate all joos
This thread is bananas.
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>>57 >I find it amazing as a Jew how fucking retarded you goyim on the Republican side are. You nazi retards actually worship trump like he’s a fucking idol. Each one of you boys should kill yourselves, that way the world can get a little bit closer to peace. >>97 >As a Zionist Jew, I must agree. Trumpies deserve nothing but to suffer their painful existence.
Jews are a joke.
I'm not a "Trumpy" and I still hate you fucking greedy merchant FORBIDDENs. Kanye was 100% correct in everything he said, I truly am starting to believe the wrong side won WWII. Gas yourself and do us all a favor.
>>57 Can’t wait until 2024 when Trump comes back to pick up where he left off and continue trolling the left. Btw, I don’t even like Trump, I just hate your kind. Now go die in a gas chamber or burn in an oven somewhere, you filthy fucking Jew.
>>57 Trump trumps Abraham. He is the highest Demigod of all time. Heil Trump!
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>>570 Furer had a point on the topic of jews
