
Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ar

Time: 01/17/2024 (Wed) 23:34:28

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 8186 on board /ar/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ar

Time: 01/17/2024 (Wed) 23:34:28

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 8186 and the following posts: 8186/8188, 8186/8190, 8186/8195, 8186/8196, 8186/8238, 8186/8244, 8186/8272, 8186/8287, 8186/8285, 8186/8292, 8186/8306, 8186/8308, 8186/8319, 8186/8459, 8186/9155, 8186/9164, 8186/9170, 8186/9169, 8186/9176, 8186/9211, 8186/9284, 8186/9668, 8186/9821, 8186/10514, 8186/10580, 8186/10582, 8186/10589, 8186/10598, 8186/10604, 8186/10841, 8186/10843, 8186/10844, 8186/10899, 8186/10947, 8186/10972, 8186/10975, 8186/10976, 8186/10978, 8186/11355, 8186/11383, 8186/11489, 8186/11516, 8186/11518, 8186/11559, 8186/11562, 8186/11563, 8186/11589, 8186/11585, 8186/11596, 8186/11605, 8186/11656, 8186/11916, 8186/11979, 8186/12238, 8186/12403, 8186/12410, 8186/12418, 8186/12475, 8186/12495, 8186/12514, 8186/12556, 8186/12664, 8186/12678, 8186/12702, 8186/12735, 8186/12746, 8186/12770, 8186/12800, 8186/12810, 8186/12840, 8186/12859, 8186/12943, 8186/13028, 8186/13107, 8186/13168, 8186/13228, 8186/13312, 8186/13325, 8186/13352, 8186/13359, 8186/13360, 8186/13392, 8186/13414, 8186/13420, 8186/13442, 8186/13456, 8186/13467, 8186/13711 from board /ar/.