
Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 01:48:07

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 32480, 32484, 32486 and the following posts: 15944/32485 from board /au/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 05:35:40

User unicorn deleted the following posts: 32469/32492 from board /au/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 06:45:54

User unicorn deleted the following posts: 28512/32494 from board /au/.

Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 08:47:45

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 8812 on board /au/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 08:47:46

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 8812 and the following posts: 8812/8857, 8812/8869, 8812/9084, 8812/9228, 8812/9281, 8812/9439, 8812/9498, 8812/9763, 8812/10051, 8812/10052, 8812/10062, 8812/10071, 8812/10076, 8812/10185, 8812/10186, 8812/10535, 8812/10540, 8812/10545, 8812/10686, 8812/10738, 8812/10762, 8812/10909, 8812/10965, 8812/11008, 8812/11402, 8812/11523, 8812/11609, 8812/12113, 8812/12588, 8812/12618, 8812/12879, 8812/13053, 8812/13055, 8812/13059, 8812/13060, 8812/13064, 8812/13063, 8812/13103, 8812/13102, 8812/13187, 8812/13195, 8812/13202, 8812/13753, 8812/13777, 8812/14018, 8812/14019, 8812/14140, 8812/14363, 8812/14371, 8812/14376, 8812/14379, 8812/14394, 8812/14415, 8812/14524, 8812/14583, 8812/14666, 8812/14672, 8812/14679, 8812/14682, 8812/14733, 8812/14746, 8812/14747, 8812/14748, 8812/14750, 8812/14855, 8812/15114, 8812/15688, 8812/16384, 8812/16389, 8812/16521, 8812/17187, 8812/18428, 8812/19066, 8812/19214, 8812/19268, 8812/19539, 8812/19582, 8812/19980, 8812/20409, 8812/20416, 8812/20492, 8812/20498, 8812/20502, 8812/20503, 8812/20519, 8812/20807, 8812/21484, 8812/21493, 8812/21508, 8812/21511, 8812/21526, 8812/21528, 8812/21538, 8812/21539, 8812/21541, 8812/21540, 8812/21543, 8812/21549, 8812/21551, 8812/21558, 8812/21561, 8812/21573, 8812/21600, 8812/21618, 8812/21620, 8812/21634, 8812/21644, 8812/21645, 8812/21670, 8812/21751, 8812/21760, 8812/21829, 8812/21853, 8812/21861, 8812/21912, 8812/21974, 8812/22045, 8812/22073, 8812/22333, 8812/22336, 8812/22337, 8812/22350, 8812/22357, 8812/22373, 8812/22550, 8812/22645, 8812/22688, 8812/22908, 8812/22912, 8812/22938, 8812/22943, 8812/22974, 8812/22975, 8812/22985, 8812/22990, 8812/22992, 8812/23013, 8812/23017, 8812/23058, 8812/23062, 8812/23064, 8812/23229, 8812/23246, 8812/23592, 8812/23605, 8812/23688, 8812/23753, 8812/24433, 8812/24552, 8812/24607, 8812/24859, 8812/24862, 8812/24914, 8812/24941, 8812/24942, 8812/25258, 8812/25497, 8812/25786, 8812/25857, 8812/25985, 8812/26059, 8812/26273, 8812/26588, 8812/27311, 8812/27319, 8812/27360, 8812/27402, 8812/27696, 8812/28111, 8812/28121, 8812/28220, 8812/28306, 8812/28348, 8812/28361, 8812/28371, 8812/28373, 8812/28516, 8812/28526, 8812/28718, 8812/28767, 8812/29596, 8812/29723, 8812/29746, 8812/29770, 8812/29771, 8812/29786, 8812/29955, 8812/30145, 8812/30617, 8812/31086, 8812/31087, 8812/31207, 8812/31218, 8812/31395, 8812/31529, 8812/31531, 8812/31544, 8812/31710, 8812/31713, 8812/31722, 8812/31778, 8812/31844, 8812/31901, 8812/31938, 8812/31971, 8812/31980, 8812/31981, 8812/31995, 8812/32000, 8812/32005, 8812/32023, 8812/32034, 8812/32044, 8812/32054, 8812/32088, 8812/32118, 8812/32142, 8812/32147, 8812/32148, 8812/32194, 8812/32222, 8812/32254, 8812/32265, 8812/32266, 8812/32273, 8812/32274, 8812/32287, 8812/32292, 8812/32302, 8812/32323, 8812/32356, 8812/32365, 8812/32414, 8812/32443, 8812/32444, 8812/32445, 8812/32446, 8812/32457, 8812/32462, 8812/32472, 8812/32473, 8812/32474, 8812/32475, 8812/32476, 8812/32477, 8812/32479 from board /au/.

Type: Ban *Global*

User: admin2163748

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:58:51

User admin2163748 globally banned the posters of the following posts: 32499 from board /au/ permanently with reason "".

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: admin2163748

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:58:51

User admin2163748 deleted the following posts: 32434/32499 from board /au/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: au

Time: 04/25/2024 (Thu) 23:04:03

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 32510 from board /au/.